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Powered by AI

Our Shopify assistant will help you level up your store. Powered by ChatGPT, it acts like a personal shopper, engaging customers naturally and understanding their needs.

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One-click Installation

Quick and effortless to set up, our assistant integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store, with an intuitive interface that will have you up and running in minutes.

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Available anywhere, anytime

Our multi-platform Shopify assistant supports all devices. It provides uninterrupted customer service 24/7 and helps you optimize your training and management costs.

Boost Sales by more than 15%

Our Shopify assistant isn't just a chatbot, it goes beyond basic interactions, with friendly conversations and helpful suggestions. It engages customers, answers questions, and recommends products they'll love, reducing cart abandonment and leading to more than 15% increase in average order value.

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Personalized Shopping Experiences

Our AI assistant gets to know your customers, recommending the perfect products for them. Smart suggestions and helpful search assistance makes shoppers happy. The result? Reduced support tickets, and a fun shopping experience that keeps them coming back for more.

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Faster Checkouts

Our Shopify assistant is your checkout champion, helping shoppers find what they need fast, boosting product discovery and eliminating frustration. It guides customers seamlessly through the process with helpful tips and instant answers, which means more sales for you!

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Optimized Support Costs

Our AI solution tackles repetitive questions, freeing up your time to focus on higher-value tasks. It works tirelessly 24/7, without breaks or vacations. This doubles your service capacity while cutting costs – no training, management, or overtime needed!

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What Customers Say About Us ?

I never thought AI could be so personable and effective. It's improved our customer experience, boosted sales, and freed up our time to focus on what we do best: Selling great pet supplies! It's like having an extra employee who's always available and always learning!

Shopping used to be stressful, but now it's fun! The assistant feels like my own personal stylist, knowing exactly what I like and making it easy to find the perfect pieces. I don't have to scroll through infinite items anymore

Gift-giving used to be a guessing game, but now I feel confident I'm getting the perfect suggestions. The best thing is that it saves me time and ensures people love their gifts!